Gifted and Talented

Gifted and talented students are entitled to rigorous, relevant and engaging learning opportunities drawn from the Australian Curriculum and aligned with their individual learning needs, strengths, interests and goals.

Lanyon High School uses a variety of methods to identify students who may be gifted or talented. This is because the school recognises that no single measure can be a comprehensive overview of a students’ capability and consequently, we prefer a holistic approach.

To that end, the school employs a mixture of quantitative measures, such as analysis of NAPLAN and the ACER Australian General Ability Tests.  Any psychological evaluations of the student that have been shared with the school by parents/guardians are also taken into account.

Differentiation can take place within mainstream classes to ensure that students are provided extension in specific subjects, directed extra-curricular activities monitored through our Enrichment Centre or facilitated through external organisations, or in some cases acceleration through year group settings.

If you have any further questions regarding Gifted and Talented education, please contact the Deputy Principal, Rebecca Cusick.